The Khergit national animal is either the grey wolf, depicted on the faction's emblem, or the horse, depicted on Sanjar Khan's banner.
It is better to begin in a more peaceful area and gather a secure, experienced party before moving into the steppes. Starting in Khergit territory is not advised, as Steppe Bandits are numerous and dangerous foes for new players.
It is in this arid waste that one can find the Khergits, a semi-nomadic group of hunters and horsemen who, much like their Steppe Horses, are lean, hardy, swift, and temperamental. With harsh weather and little resources, the one thing found in abundance here are the herds of horses that live both in the wild and domestically.
In contrast to the lush heartlands of Calradia, the great steppes to the south are a vast region of dry grassland. The Khergit Khanate is a faction of Calradia ruled by Sanjar Khan, while the claimant to the throne is Dustum Khan.