This beautiful house is located somewhat near Darkwater Pass, and there are two small quests to do before you can call yourself the owner. Laboratorium is definitely on the larger end of player homes, so if you’re looking for the ‘quaint little cottage’ type of house, look elsewhere on this list. LaboratoriumĪ look at the incredibly detailed exterior of Laboratorium. Here are 25 great player homes for Skyrim! 25.
I wanted to make sure this list is made up of some lesser-known homes and hideouts, and many of the houses on this list came out within the past year (pertaining to when this was written). Player houses in Skyrim are some of the most unique mods the game has to offer! There have been many well-known favorites, like the Elysium Estate and the fancy Breezehome overhaul. You've spent hours making your character.